02 Apr 2024
Meet Pokkel, the most mischevious Varsity Cup mascot

Did you know that in 2019, Pokkel, the mischievous mascot of Stellenbosch University, caused quite a stir during the traditional Varsity Cup final post-game celebration? With just five minutes left on the clock, Pokkel couldn't contain his excitement and made a premature celebratory run across the field!

As the game continued with an intense showdown unfolding, Pokkel dashed from in front of the grandstand, racing towards Maties' try line on the right side of the field. This unexpected sprint took place just beside where a scrum was being set up, catching everyone off guard.
Security swiftly intervened, intercepting Pokkel on the other side of the field and escorting him off before play could be disrupted. Despite his spirited antics, the game resumed without a hitch, and the crowd was left buzzing with excitement.
The following year Pokkel went viral yet again, this time after challenging a Maties security guard to a dance-off.
While Pokkel may have gotten a bit carried away in the heat of the moment he always leaves a memorable impression on fans and players alike.
Next time you're at a Varsity Cup final, keep an eye out for Pokkel – you never know when he might add a dash of excitement to the proceedings!